Thursday, July 4, 2013

Top 12 Best Ways to Make Money Online in 2013

Make Money Online(MMO) is easy but you should know effective ways to make money online, in this article I will tell those ways to earn money online, which I have been using since last three years, after reading this article you will definitely earn few bucks per day even more after following these ways, I will suggest you to use only one way which one is more interesting for you and then start using other ways to make money online, because you can not make money online by using all ways in a single day because it takes time, making money online is easy but if you wanna make serious money online then you have to put your effort to do it, every true business need time to be a profitable the same here online is the great place to show your talent in front of the whole world, but it will take time.

Online is thrust for hard working as well as for talented people, I think every body have some talent , it is on you, when you will come to know "your talent", online is the best place to know your talent as well as show talent, because if you want to know your talent then you have to start doing something which will lead you to know your talent.

May be you are looking for those ways, which will help you to make money online, so here are those ways-

1):- Make Money Online From Blogging
Blogging is the term which may be you have heard many times through internet, may be from friends or seen advertisements, if you wanted to make serious money from online then this is the best method, one more thing I would like to share with you this is not a one day method, because any real business need time to grow and blogging is the one of the best business in the world, but the promise is that you have to give time to make money from blog.

I am not talking about 1000$ or 2000$ I am talking about 5000$ to unlimited$, but till that time you have to wait and keep working with continuous improvements in your writing as well as content quality, actually there are many platforms to do blogging but I will suggest you to do start with, here is the steps by step tips to create a free blog.

But remember only creating a blog and visiting a blog again and again by self is not going to help you at all, rather you do write articles on your blog, that's why people will visit your blog again and again then only you will become one of the best successful blogger in the world.

I will recommend you to read some articles those really help you to become a next level blogger:-
How to Choose Best Blogging Topics
SEO Tips For Blogspot Beginner Bloggers
5 Steps You Must Follow to Become a Better Blogger
Things You Must Do After Creating a Blogspot Blog
How to Monetize Your Blog in Smart Way Other Than Google Adsense
2):- Make Money Online By Doing Small Jobs
Other than blogging I think this is a good option to make money online specially those want to make money instantly, because blogging is not going to make money in a week or even a month by using normal method but of course if you want some constant income per month then I will strongly recommend you do small jobs online and make money, one more important thing I would like to share with you don't join any network with out conforming that they are really paying for doing small jobs, for your help I found websites, those really pay you to do small jobs like Sign Up, Facebook Like, Commenting on Forum etc.

Here is the website-, this is genuine website to make money online by doing small jobs, but I also found an alternative to this that is, this is another a genuine website to make money online, here is the big thing to know about, this website is also called a Amazon mechanical turk.

So use these two websites to make money online by doing small jobs, but I will recommend you to start blogging to do a real business online for forever.

If you found any other genuine website like these two don't forget to share!!

3):- Make Money Online From Facebook
Specially I like Facebook to make money because Facebook having most active visitors that's mean people are there, just you have to make a source to get those people in your blog or may be where you want, there are many ways to make money online like affiliate marketing, creating a page, creating an applications on Facebook.

I will discuss with you all these ways, so lets go to know how to make money online from Facebook, see online is the best place to make money online, but it is depend on how you are presenting yourself in front of the world of people, online market having more people than any other market in the world, you just need creative thinking to get start and to develop creating thinking you need to get start doing, because getting initiation is the best part of success, so here I am going to tell you how can you make money from Facebook.

a):- Make Money Online By Creating a Page on Facebook
May be you are thinking I am joking right, but let me tell you my dear friend, you can make huge money from a Facebook page, you can even open your own company, yes your own company!

But the thing is that you need an idea, which will succeed you in this field because an idea can change your life.

People says that with out example things are not realistic, so here I have few examples, if you are an engineer and you often use Facebook then I am 100% you have joined that Page, yes the name of that page "Only an Engineering Student can understand the value of study on Last Night", may be you have joined, but here is the big thing about this page they have more than 6 lac likes and this is a big deal my dear friend, now may be you are thinking how you are going to make money then I will recommend you to promote affiliate product but not all the time, to make more money even you can not imagine that much money promote Clickbank product.

Recommended for you:- Top 5 Clickbank Products to Promote to Make Huge Money

So whats your idea to attract this much people let me know, if you will create a Facebook page, at least give a try, who knows may be I will write about your Facebook page on my blog, I will be happy to see that day!!

b):- Make Money from Facebook Through Affiliate Marketing
If you are new to this make money online crazy world then I am 100% sure you are not familiar with this term affiliate marketing, don't worry, you will come to know after reading this section of this article.

Affiliate marketing means you will sell a product through your source and you will get commission for selling others products.

Here you can do on Facebook, you can advertise affiliate products on Facebook and you can earn commission for selling product, actually most of the affiliates promotes digital product, there are many affiliates website provide many digital products but I will recommend you to use Click bank for promoting digital products, here is the big reason, why I am telling you this? Because they share up to 75% commission for selling a digital products.

c):- Make Money Online from Facebook by Creating Apps
May be you have idea how world of people are moving to the digital world right, so here is the big thing for creating apps, it is not easy but not even impossible, if a kid of only 17 years old can create an apps then sell to Yahoo for 30 million $ then why you can not do this.(

Actually I got something interesting for you, I actually recommend others to use Clickbank products because those products are really created by experts, I got a product which allow you to create an apps, those don't have technical knowledge, if you wanna create an apps and you are not having any technical knowledge then this is the great place to create your first app.

-:Create an apps without having technical knowledge!

4):- Make Money Online From Twitter
Twitter is well known as a micro blogging website, because twitter is providing micro blogging platform to people for free, here come to the point, I am going to share with you how can you make money from twitter, see twitter is a micro blogging website right, then if some one will follow you then definitely they will read what you are sharing ok! now think if you will share information about an affiliate product with an affiliate link then people follow you definitely open that link then definitely many of them will buy the product, what does that mean?

You will earn commission from that, other than this there is another genuine platform to make money online that is Sponsored tweets, I have also written an article how can you make money online with sponsored tweets.

5):- Make Money Online By Reading Emails and Clicking on Advertisements
Actually this is not a good idea to make money online, but people search on this topic on search engines, what does that mean people want to make money online from these two things, till 2009 I did not found any website which one is genuine to pay money online for clicking ads and may be for reading emails.

But now I know those genuine websites to make money online, here is the reason why these type of websites exist now, because these are also ways of advertisement.

Here are those websites for you, actually I have written an article on how to make money online by reading emails.

Now to come make money online by clicking on ads, I have not write any article on this website but I do know the name of the website

From these websites you can easily earn some pocket money but you can not make huge money from these two websites, but still some thing is better than nothing!

6):- Make Money Online By Creating a Product
To create a product you need skills and to satisfy customers through your products you need great skills and inspirational story too, now come to the point, how you can create a product, I am not talking about any touchable product, I am talking about digital products.

Yes digital products, because now a days no one wants to carry hard copy, everyone is moving to simplicity, so here is the thing for you.

Actually there are some one who will help you to monetize your knowledge, that is, yes clickbank, actually Clickbank is a well known affiliate network, but it also a great place to promote your digital product too.

If you have something different to share with people then I will recommend you to use this network to make maximum money from your knowledge.

7):- Make Money Online Through Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is little bit hard for beginners because affiliate marketing needs good idea about market, which will make you a cleaver affiliates but if you have money and time both then you may start affiliate marketing, First I will recommend you to promote Clickbank affiliate product.

Recommended For You:-  Top 10 Reasons For Promoting Clickbank Digital Products

If you want more information about affiliate marketing then keep in touch with this blog, I will provide each and every information, you need to become a super affiliate but till that time start blogging to familiar with internet market.

If you are already started blogging then you may promote affiliate programs on your blog, I am going to tell you affiliate products provider websites:-
b):- Commission Junctions
c):- Never Blue
d):- Affiliatevia
e):- Affiliaxe

8):- Make Money Online By Selling Your Photos
This is a trending one, may be you have clicked a great photo and you want to sell it, then let me tell you my dear friend there is a great market for this, just you have to look around the web that's it.

But I am here to tell you those websites name, which will help you to sell your photo with the world of people.

Let me tell you those websites name, that's why you can make money online by selling your photos , so here we go:-

Use any one of these websites and start selling your photos!

9):- Make Money Online By Writing Articles
Articles writing is not an easy job in beginning time, because you have to enhance your writing skills to compete with the other writers in the world, but you can do it!

Once you will capable of writing article then I am 100% sure you will earn very good money from article writing, in the internet world it is called content marketing, content marketing having very good market in the internet.

But in this section I will give you websites those really make you money online for writing articles, blogging is also about writing article but blogging needs time to grow and to get reputations, but in this case you need to just write crazy content, for which people are searching in the internet.

So here are those websites-

10):- Make Money Online By Sharing Your Files
Do you really think you have files, those are created by you and those files are really useful for others, then you are not doing some thing big, that is you are not sharing your files in the internet to make money online.

Actually this is a good method to make money online but you should have some useful files for people.

For making money by sharing files I found a website, which website is really help you to make money from your files, the name of the website is, after uploading few files you can apply for Google adsense, now Google adsense will show advertisements on your documents after getting approval from Google adsense.

If you have more self created useful documents then you can make very good money from Google adsense, one more thing I would like to share with you about this Docstoc, they also allow you to sell your documents online.

11):- Make Money Online By Taking Surveys
Survey programs are allowing people to make money online, do you have any idea, why?

Let me tell you the answer, because many companies wants feedback from customers, or may be companies wanted to know, what people are going to do? They always ask about your planning and may be what you like?

Base on this they predict the market to make more profit from their product, but it is quiet difficult to find out a genuine website, which really offer surveys and more important is they paid, see there are many websites but I am going to share with you only websites, those really pay for survey programs.

Here we go, first of all I found only two websites those really pay for survey programs, and another one is is providing a offer free to join and also they will give you 5$ bonus for joining Surveyhead.

Now come to they are providing you 1$ bonus for joining and also joining is free.

12):- Make Money Online As a Freelancer
Freelancer is the best way to make money online with free mind, here is the thing for you, actually you can make unlimited money, but the main important thing is that you must be master in your field, because there are many freelancers like you in the world those wanted to make money.

May be you are thinking, how would you find those jobs, yes this is the main thing of this part, once again it is quiet difficult to find out real jobs.

I got many many websites those are providing this service but I would like to tell you only two best websites-
This is a great platform to work for others and make money, no matter in which country you are living, people like work not living place, if you have capability to do work then this is the great place to show your talent, because world of people are living here to see someone talent.

Click here to Join Now for Free

I like this website also to find Freelancer jobs, but Odesk is my always second preference to find jobs, but you can also try this website.

I always write note of every post that's why you will get the main important thing about the post, I think, you know the main important thing about this blog post is making money online and the best method is blogging, I will strongly recommend you to start your own blog, if you are getting any kind of problem then you may ask me for free, just left a comment I will answer you or other wise wait for services come, till that time keep in touch with me and this blog, rest depend on you.

Is there any other way to make money online??

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